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Katherine Whitney Workshop Take away

The 4 Levels of Attention

These apply to any musical learning and are in order from least to most significant.  It gives focus to our personal rehearsal goal.


Singular attention:  Block everything else out. Does not allow for reasoned choice in relation to the


Divided attention: Reading the music resulting in less physically relaxed, less confidence, less                  connectiveness to the body and group)

Focussed Attention: The critical thinking.  What are the next words, am I in tune.  Result is loss of            relaxation and therefore musicality. This should be avoided if at all possible by familiarity with the          music. This can be helped by doing something unrelated while singing (tie shoe, turn pages                  unrelated to the rehearsing song)

Executive Attention: Putting attention into thinking about the body.  Your breaking, your tension points

      to relax, vowel shaping, dynamic control through supporting the breath.

March 5th

Where'er You Walk   
Two Mayasian Folk Songs 6 min
Sakura 6 min
I Dreamed of Rain 6 min
Be the change 12 min.
Royal Hudson 15 min


Wood River  ms 65 to end

The Sky, the Dawn, and the Sun ms 61 to end

Wild Mountain Thyme Rehearsals A to D

Feb 26 (sorry for the delay)
Where're you Walk  pt 3

Two Malaysian Folksongs  complete

I Dreamed of Rain


Royal Hudson It will be handed out

Be the Change Complete

Wood River To ms 28

Feb 19th

23 Camels: Please go over the words for clarity.  

Where'er You Walk: Pt 2 ms20-27 

Two Malaysian Folksongs : Complete.


Be The Change:
ms 41-end

The Sky the Dawn and the Sun: ms 67-end

I Dreamed of Rain: Rehearsals D and E

February 12th
Warm ups:  Breath, Unison Vowels and resonance to build chords, Woodchuck (if you were here last week you'll recognize it ).  Review the sequenced voice building chart.

One Song: Solidify section C

Lenggang Kangkun: Complete 2nd part.

Sakura    Complete


We Rise Again:  Pg 7 to the end.

Where're You Walk:   2nd half of the song. ms 23-end.

Twenty Three Camels: Verses 2,3 and Coda.

January 29th

The kid is back and  ready for action after a week of sunny indulgence.

Warm up will again be looking at a new tag/coda/special ending.  This time with some 1/2 steps. 
We will be examining compound time (dividing the beat into groups of three)

Lenggang Kangkun: Review of part1 and look at part 2.  Please have a listen to the song and your part pgs 8-10.

I am the Sky and the Dawn etc:  We will work on ms 32 to 61.  Please listen to the mp3 file for that section.

Twenty Three Camels: To the end of page 3 (End of rehearsal Box D)


Be the Change: ms 23-41

The Spaces in Between Us: Sections A-D Please listen to your parts

One Song: Sections E-End(Coda)

 January 22nd

Pippa has the wheel.  

Lenggang Kangkun  Pages 5-7 complete song 1.

I Dreamed of Rain    To bar 29.  Please listen to the mp3 file and your own part file in the Song Mp3 files tab.

WoodRiver    to bar 27. Please listen to the files before rehearsal


Be the Change   To bar 25

Sakura    Rehearsal D to end of song

One Song   Rehearsal C

January 15th
Welcome back!!!!!
It is going to be a great season again!
This season has an added Element of sharing a mini concert with The Gabriola Singers in April at St Andrew's United in the Old City Quarter.  It will be part of the Nanaimo Sings "Kaleidoscope" Concerts that will take place from Friday through Sunday involving the community choirs of Nanaimo Sings.  Details forthcoming!
Tonight we will be working  on:
Sakura: Japanese folksong that will be familiar to many of us. Please listen to your part and
                     the video example before the rehearsal .
Where're You Walk:   Again another song familiar to many.  We will be working on formal                        diction for this Classical work by Handel.

Wild Mountain Thyme: Have a listen to the choral example.  A much more folk                                             articulation  than wher'er you walk.

Two Malasian Folksongs: A unique take on "folk" music.  Yes the words are in Malay so it                           will take a bit of pronunciation work.

​The Sky the Dawn and the Sun:  A Celtic piece.  We will just look at the introduction.

We Rise Again:  A Rankin Family East Coast classic.  We will be working to page 6.


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