Yellow Point Singers
January 2025
Musical Leadership
Our choir is directed by Doug Roszmann who has been with YPS since 1999. Doug assists the singers to make good musical choices for an effective presentation. Our goal is to make beautiful music in a supportive and respectful rehearsal space. Doug volunteers his inspirational talents, for which the choir is very grateful. Pippa Williams is our much appreciated hourly-paid Accompanist. We appreciate their contributions and professionalism and respond with our commitment and enthusiasm.
We are a non-auditioning choir.
Interested singers need to contact the choir manager or director and arrange to join in on a few practices.
All singers are asked to commit to the semester and pay membership fees to receive a music package.
Maximum membership is 45 due to logistics regarding music library and performance venues.
Choir Practices
The choir practices Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Cedar Community Hall, 2388 Cedar Road, Nanaimo (Cedar) We enjoy two singing semesters: from September to December and from January to May. The choir stands down for May to August.
Inform Section Leaders if unable to attend practices or events.
Please make choir practices and events a priority.
Our health is important. If you have signs of sickness or colds would you please stay home.
Refrain from use of scented products and chat during practices and events.
Musicality comments should all be directed to Director.
Wear name tags at practices.
Singers have music ready for practice. Members check weekly line-up have pieces organized for practice. This saves on time, and clicking of binders.
Choir Music
Each piece of music is numbered and signed out to individual members.
Two binders are provided: one for practice and a slim black one, if needed, for performance.
We ask members to take good care of the music. Musical notations may be made in ERASABLE PENCIL. Do not use highlighters. If lost or damaged, replacement costs will be levied.
Feel free to erase pencilled notes when you receive music if it doesn’t relate to you.
All music is to be returned at the last choir session of each season, or when singers leave the choir, whichever occurs first.
Choir Performances
The choir performs 2 concerts a year, 1st Sunday of May and December. We may sing 1 extra concert each session as decided by YPS Executive before start of session.
Our concert dress is:
Men wear black dress pants & black long-sleeved dress shirts.
Men: yellow pocket inserts, multi-coloured or bow-ties are provided.
Women wear black three-quarter length sleeved v-neck tops and black pants.
New members are encouraged to buy the $35 black shirt which we provide to match the rest of the choir. A similar style and colour is acceptable. Joan Roszmann orders the shirts. Edie Fishlock has colour swatches for matching.
Women: Yellow cowls, multi-coloured or red scarves are provided
We also have a yellow golf shirt which carries our logo and which we often wear for less formal gatherings and performances. This can be purchased by contacting Joan Roszmann.
Choir Workshops
Two singing workshops are held, spring and fall. The focus is upon the improvement of choir skills, including pieces of music being readied for performance.
Attendance is expected.
Venue is Hope Lutheran Church, 2174 Departure Bay Road from 9:00 am to 2:00 p.m.
Lunch is pot-luck. Hospitality Coordinators are responsible for set up and clean up.
Membership Fees
Membership fees of $75 per term are payable at the start of September and again in January.
Music is not provided until fees are paid.
New or returning members may attend 4 practices before membership fees are payable.
It’s not our usual policy to return registration fees as collected funds are used for hall rental and accompaniment costs. We base fees collected on sharing these costs over the session. Withdrawing funds puts us in some jeopardy of fulfilling our set obligations.
Choir Finances
Our goal is to keep membership fees as reasonable as possible, while ensuring funds for improving our singing. Previously we have used profit from our concerts to donate to worthy community projects; e.g. Food Banks, V.I Symphony Children’s Choir, Parkinson’s Society, Terry Fox Foundation, Holland Creek Bridge Project, Cedar Secondary School music program.
Our costs include sheet music, accompanist (wages), guest performers, insurance (workshops & concerts), rental space for practice, workshop, concert venue, music library storage; cards, flowers, publicity and promotion.
Any member needing assistance with membership fees can approach the Treasurer about this. Likewise, if you would like to help out in this way, make yourself known to the Treasurer.
Choir Administration
The choir needs the active participation of all members: this includes baking cookies, transporting equipment, maintaining the music library etc. Current Positions are:
Musical Director Doug Roszmann
Accompanist Pippa Williams
Co-Managers Edie Fishlock
Daphne Stabler
Music Librarians Avis Muir
Library Committee Jane Rose
Linda Inscho
Treasurer Virginia Woodward
Publicity Joan Roszmann
Hospitality Coordinators: Alison Pavan
Jan Bradshaw
Extra volunteers needed at each event
Archivist Jeannette Pongratz-Doyle
BCCF Rep Daphne Stabler
Cookie Calendar Gwen Bruce-Houle
Costume Highlights Edith Morgan
Nanaimo Sings! Liaisons Doug Roszmann
Edith Morgan
Concert Ticket Sales Bruce Forward
T-Shirts Joan Roszmann
Section Leaders: duties include Sunshine and phoning members when necessary; i.e. snow days:
Soprano Debbie Dixon
Alto Edith Morgan
Alison Pavan
Tenor/Bass Volunteer needed while Henry Wheat recovers
Choir Meetings
Brief emerging business items are discussed at the mid-practice break as necessary on Wednesday evenings.
Information e-mails are distributed with telephone calls to members without e-mail.
The AGM generally held before Fall Session includes choir members/partners and focuses on choir business. This is a time to meet and greet and enjoy a pot luck.
Choir Website
This private website is administered by Doug Roszmann. It has important and helpful information for choir members.
Hospitality / Social Committee
Provide logistics and supplies to events such as Workshops, AGM.
Since COVID we have not provided refreshment at our concerts.